Facebook Comments Regarding the Royal Court Hotel



Hi All


I’ve been reading through the comments some of you have made on Facebook regarding the Royal Court Hotel, specifically about the difference in room rates for the Trophy Show weekend. 

I wanted everyone to know we are aware of this and are talking to the hotel about it. Just for information we also meet every year with the hotel senior staff after the event to go through in detail any issues on both sides. The feedback we receive about the show is generally positive and where we do receive adverse comments we address them with the hotel directly. 


This year we plan on having a feedback/comment form which will be available online after the show.  


Can I ask that if you do have any issues relating to the hotel, which you feel the club should know about then please contact me. It’s easier and quicker for us to deal with anything that way. As the Secretary I’m here to help and deal with the Royal Court on a very frequent basis on the run up to the show.

We will of course come back to everyone once we have had an answer in order that we can clarify the situation.


We are looking forward to seeing everyone again this year at the Trophy Show next weekend. 



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