Welcome to The Bull Terrier Club Website
It is the purpose of the BTC to represent all the interests of Bull Terriers and their owners, as well as interface, in meaningful ways, with Bull Terrier fanciers and their Clubs all over the World.
We intend for this site to provide information for owners (or those interested in owning), with interests from simple companion ownership up to and including those owners with diverse interests in the many competitive aspects of dog ownership.
The Bull Terrier Club is one of the oldest, and certainly the largest, club of its type in the world. Established in 1887, it’s purpose is to represent all the interests of Bull Terriers and their owners, as well as interface, in meaningful ways, with Bull Terrier Fanciers and their organisations all over the world.
We hope you find insight and answers to the workings of the Club itself. In addition, there is information on all of the activities you can enjoy with your Bull Terriers that are promoted by the club.
We hope you enjoy the site and find it useful for answering your questions about Bull Terriers, the club, and all of the activities it supports and fosters.